As promised, here are some more photos from Kenya, sorry it took so long, but as always, slow Internet.
Our trip started out with a very long overnight bus ride to Nairobi where we got to stay with one of Hannah's friends. We stayed there for two days, and we were constantly surprised by the amount of development in the city. They had street lights everywhere and actual malls with stores resembling Barns and Nobel and even Starbucks! My favorite part was when we got to go to the zoo and pet a cheetah! I was only slightly terrified that he would want to eat my hand for lunch.

After Nairobi our group headed to Mombasa for one day where we toured Fort Jesus located on the coast.

The Mombasa harbor

After Gede we went further north to the cost where we were met by our lovely friend, Abdala who brought his boat to drive us to the island of Lamu. Abdala is the cousin of the brother-in-law to professor Gearhart, a professor I had at IWU. He showed us around the beautiful island and introduced us to his friends. Because it has been used as a trading island, it has become a wonderful mix of Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic and Swahili cultures all together in a beautiful mixture. The island is rich in stunning art work with exquisit detail like the door in the picture below. Traditionally, the Swahili culture takes pride in their entryways to their homes and most people make intricate carvings for all of their doors.

(Dr. Gehart's brother in law and wife , me, Courtney, Catherine, Hannah and Abdala)

We spent one whole day in the best way possible, on a sail boat. They have dows you can rent for the day complete with an amazing crew and we even got to go fishing! Don't be to jealous Dad, we didn't catch anything. Pinto our captain let me help pull in the anchor!
Lisandro and I on the boat enjoying the water.

We sadly had to leave, but I know one day I will go back to Lamu. If anyone wants to go, just let me know and I will tag along.